简介: Set in the country-town of Upson Down, the comedy drama follows eleven-year-old Annie Shearer and her adopted stray dog Runt, as they try to save the family farm by competing in the Agility Course Grand
简介:Set in the country-town of Upson Down, the comedy drama follows eleven-year-old Annie Shearer and her adopted stray dog Runt, as they try to save the family farm by competing in the Agility Course Grand
主演:萨姆·沃辛顿 艾德·奥克森博尔德 德波拉·梅尔曼 Nicholas Bakopoulos-Cooke Ena Imai 特里·诺瑞斯 Peter Rowsthorn Julian Dennison 大卫·文翰 Shane Adamczak Areef Barranco Fiona Blakely Commander Bo Zachary Brazier Jacob Brown